Specifications of stock d14 gearboxes

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Re: Specifications of stock d14 gearboxes

Post by pioootr »

as to remind me the gear count


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Re: Specifications of stock d14 gearboxes

Post by saxophonias »

Ok, here is some info from the civic ek owners manual about top speed of each gear for all the d and b engines.
It is rather interesting but sad at the same time, as almost all d-series are equipped with the longest/slowest gears comparing to b-series


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Dodo Bizar
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Re: Specifications of stock d14 gearboxes

Post by Dodo Bizar »

Guys. It is 2015, I have to build up my car in 2,5 month from now and I have been slacking the last 4 years.

But today I opened up the tranny and clutch and got this info:

My stock D14A3 tranny found in the 1.4i City Civic in 1998 has the short final (4.059, not 4.058 rounded up! I was completelely wrong in the past claiming I had the 4.250, apologies).
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd are all what we expect, 3.250 - 1.909 - 1.250 as documented so often.

But the surprise to me is 5th gear! It is 0.75!

Here are all the teeth count in order main (- reverse) - counter - final with ratio counter/main or final/counter:

1st 12 - 39 => 39/12 = 3.250
2nd 22 - 42 => 42/22 = 1.909
3rd 28 - 35 => 35/28 = 1.250
4th 33 - 30 => 30/33 = 0.909
5th 36 - 27 => 27/36 = 0.750 <--- yup!

Final 17 - 69 => 69/17 = 4.059

Reverse 13 (- 29) -41 => 41/13 = 3.154 <--- for if you ever wondered

Then other info: the flywheel and clutch assembly is the dreadful 200mm version as many know. Flywheel does not accept the larger ESi clutch and pressure plate etc. However, the stock S40 flywheel is only 7.155 kg... I believe that is not much. Probably the reason a D14 is so rev happy. I believe stock flywheels normally are in the range 9-10 kg (but I could be wrong).

Some random shit: status clutch after 355000 km, a tiny bit of track driving and numerous drag events including winning King Street 2010 title. One clutch and it only wore down to 7mm thickness. New is around 9mm and service limit is 5.5. It could have done another 100000 easily hehe.

More random shit, the tranny internals have hardly any signs of wear and look beautiful. Only the pressure bearing has had it and needs replacement. Stuff like rear gear selector is still at OEM spec, smallest play. Yippie.

Ow and less random, I got the 35 mm differential. Yup, it will be replaced by a helical LSD soon :).

[edit] To defend my previous mistake btw that I claimed 4.25 for the final, I realise now that it happened due to the 5th gear being something not anticipated at all.[/edit]

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